“Ballad of The Green Berets" by S.Sgt. Barry A favourite of
her fathers. She must've grown up with it. She listens to it to remember
her father.
And gets moved to tears. Donna Darkwolf is not a woman to cry easily.
Donna Darkwolf had an interest in Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler of the United
States Green Beret Medical Corps and his song, "Ballad of the Green Beret".
I recall that her father was in the Parabats - #1 Parachute Batallion
of the South Africa Army.
I was a gunship crew Flight Lieutenant in the Rhodesia Army Quarter-Master
Services Corp.
We were #3 AirMobil Platoon. Flying around the countryside in our gunships,
delivering medicine and supplies, and shooting up the boogs who were trying
to kill us.
Oh! And delivering alcohol, Playboy magazines and cigarettes. LOL.
Death! Sin! And Divine Intervention!
There is nothing quite like the sound of a helicopter Gunship!
Depending on which side you are on?
This is going to seriously f*ck up your whole day in a whirlwind tornado
of bullets and rockets and a Reign Of Fire
Or it is The Breath of Angels. Everywhere. For One Thousand Yards.
Taking you home from a dark place.
from: Donna darkwolf@netactive.co.za
to: Franco morenofranco.design@gmail.com,
moreno franco morenofranco.design@gmail.com
date: Jan 9, 2017, 12:39 AM
subject: troopers lament - sgt barry sandler/letters from vietnam
In troopers lament there are lots of photos like the gunship you travelled
on. Some to me are profound and I would like to frame them.
When u r next here I will point them out to u.
I wish I could live long enuff to tell your story franco .lts one of the
greatest stories i have ever heard…
– all this shit abt hierarches, and degrees and its all so much shit.
And i was thinking, after all the pictures i have been looking, which
are mostly black and white clips from newspapers it looks like
I try to imagine that 'green hell' you sometimes mentioned
And i was also thinking that if you could go through all of that and still
do all you have done with having so many ex wives and been
successfull in life, and still be able to clown around and joke, and still
do what it takes to keep our ship steady while there is all your shit to
deal with
that dealing with my shit and issues and occasional abuse and violence
must be a "walk in the park" in comparison to dealing with men
actually engaged in trying to kill you with guns and rockets.
I can see why you can be so abrupt and short with people, and me, when
they fuck up or mess you around because this is not a joke and your
life is too short to deal with other peoples shit.
i also now understand why you help people or talk to beggars at the lights:
its your humanity.
And i have been imagining that when you found me you could see that I
needed YOUR help.
Not help from shrinks and medication, but help in finding my way to The
Undiscovered Country
I just love that name for where ever we go next. better than heaven or
hell or afterlife or all that kak!
I also like your term: 'checking in to the hereafter hilton' LOL.
And i have my beautiful soldier like you to help me
seeing those pictures of those soldiers - any of them would wish for the
breath of angels and be as glad to see you, as i am when you fetch me in
the mornings.
Rescuing me from the insanity of my dreams
And I am honored to be fetched every morning, until that day when you
give me a heroes farewell and set your beautiful mermaid free in the ocean,
and send your only donna darkwolf off on her mission to Sirius. The Dog
Star. Where you will find me again
It’s the trooper that counts – its the fuking troopers that allowed the
generals to polish their boots and so on.
I am so happy to have u in my life my soldier and minion and friend
Our story is not yet over
Fetch me for dinner at Bacini's my franco. I want a pizza, and wine and
you. and as you like to say:
"I dont care in what particular order. preferably all together".
I never had photos of my operations. Yet it was not different from this... Another day at the office!