“ 'S Wonderful" by Diana Krall - Donna at "The Duchess of Wisbeach"
in Sea Point. One of her most favorite restaurants.
Donna told me that this Diana Krall song expressed the way she felt about
me. That is how I became her "MINION". LOL.
Dinner here! Dinner there! Dinner Everywhere... Cape Town has so many
wonderful dining experiences with restaurants on wine estates, on the beach,
in the harbour and wayout in the countryside. Donna Darkwolf was never
one to pass up an opportunity to eat out.
Every lunch or dinner was an occassion, and a reason to sometimes dress-up
"to the Nines".
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Donna brought me here to have Tiger Prawns, Portuguese style..
Getting ready to dine after a stroll at the Sea-wall in Sea Point...
Donna always loved to eat at a nice Spur Restaurant...
Donna loved the atmosphere here. The decor was just liker her home in Durbanville...
After a boat excursion around the harbour. Donna just loved menus. Inevitably mixed-and-matched...
She loved this place, it reminded of her house in Durbanville, with all the baroque furnishings...